Open service list to choose Hieronta and choose the right service for you from these options:

  • Urheiluhieronta (Massage & Sports massage)
  • Raskaushieronta (Pregnancy massage)
  • Purentalihashieronta (Jaw & neck area massage)
  • Jalkojen tehohoito (Lower limb effective massage)

Then choose massage length and you see available times and locations.

We recommend that you book time for Osteopathy, Naprapathy or Physiotherapy.

Open service list to choose the right service for you from these options:

  • Osteopatia (Osteopathy)
  • Naprapatia (Naprapathy)
  • Fysioterapia (Physiotherapy)
  • Äitiysfysioterapia (Physiotherapy for moms)

Then choose massage length and you see available times and locations.

Get in touch

GENERAL INQUIRIES (weekdays 09-16)

[email protected]


Katso ohjeet


+358 40 160 1554 Lähetä viesti WhatsAppissa